Scar Tissue Acupuncture believes that no treatment is complete until the root cause has been addressed. This scientific approach to Traditional Chinese Medicine is central to Dr. Baoku Liu’s
curative treatment model.
Scar Tissue Acupuncture exists at the juncture of traditional Chinese medicine and modern science, which allows for a uniquely effective approach to curative medicine. Dr. Boaku Liu combines the diagnostic tools of western medicine – X-rays, MRIs, and CT scans – with the holistic, whole-body approach of eastern medicine, to treat and heal every part of the body, naturally.
Myofascial Scar Tissue Release
Post-Surgical Scar Tissue
Chronic Overuse Scar Tissue
Digestive/Abdominal Scar Tissue
Sprains/Strains/​Sports Injuries
Neuropathy/Nerve Impingement
Acute/Chronic Shoulder Pain
Disc/Joint/Foraminal Degeneration of the Spine
Lumbar Disc Herniation
Acute/Chronic Lower Back Pain
Acute/Chronic Neck Pain ​
​Bowel and Bladder Disorders
​Fatigue, Tiredness, Brain Fog
​Women's and Men's Health
​Emotional Disorders
​TMJ Disorders (Jaw and Ear)
Extensive Health Cases: Combination of Multiple Symptoms/Diagnoses/Unknown Diagnoses
Complex Cases Welcome!
When used correctly and consistently, the comb can relieve stress, anxiety, and insomnia
Our combs are made from ethically sourced Red Sandalwood using traditional Chinese craftsmanship.
The teeth of the comb are specifically designed to apply pressure along acupoints on the scalp as you comb through your hair. Repetitive combing releases tension along the scalp and stimulates blood circulation, which allows the scalp meridians to flow freely. By brushing their scalp for 25 seconds before bed, our patients have found immense relief with stress, anxiety, and insomnia. It is advised to brush until the scalp feels warm and tingling for best results.